• Citroen_C5_nieuw 2008_02_1024x768
  • Vtune Chiptuning_Tuning_Powerbox_Citroen_ds4_2011_11_1024x768
  • Vtune Header Fiat-Tipo_5-door-2017-1024-0cb
  • Vtune Header BMW-3-Series_Touring-2020-1024-0d test
  • Vtune Header Toyota-C-HR-2020-1024-03 1
  • Vtune Header Mercedes-Benz-GLA-2018-1024-15 test

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Vtune Chiptuning
Havenstraat 50
1271 AG Huizen

A27 afslag Huizen richting centrum

Tel: 035 52 47 334
Mob: 06 52 31 50 31
Website: www.vtune.nl
E-mail: info@vtune.nl

Chiptuning AutomerkChiptuning voor benzine en diesel


Ma t/m Za: 09.00 en 18.00
Vtune Digi-ChipExterne chiptuning voor diesel Vtune PiggybackExterne chiptuning voor benzine

Chip-tuning Citroën

Voor Diesel Chip-Tuning van uw Citroën gaat u naar Vtune

Vtune heeft al meer dan 20 jaar ervaring in het optimaliseren van uw Citroën. Juist de nieuwere diesel motoren zijn onze specialiteit. Wij voeren deze Diesel Chip-Tuning met de grootste zorgvuldigheid uit, 100% veilig en betrouwbaar. Zeker bij de Citroën dieselmotoren kunnen wij een mooi rendement behalen. Vaak zijn vermogenswinsten van 20% tot 25% geen uitzondering. Maar bij de dieselmotoren van Citroën valt vaak ook een brandstofbesparing te realiseren van 4% tot 10%.

Voordelen Diesel Chip-Tuning Citroën

Met een goede Diesel Chip-Tuning krijgt uw Citroën direct meer power, daarnaast zal ook de trekkracht toenemen. Het grootste voordeel hiervan is dat uw Citroën zich rustiger zal gedragen. U krijgt meer vermogen en uw auto is beter doseerbaar in een lager toerengebied! Met name vanaf 50 km per uur zal uw Citroën veel sterker aanvoelen. Daarbij kunt u sneller opschakelen en hoeft u minder snel terug te schakelen! Wacht niet langer en ervaar de voordelen van Chip-Tuning voor uw Citroën Dieseluitvoering!

Waarom Vtune Chip-Tuning ?

De keuze voor de klant wordt steeds moeilijker, er zijn veel aanbieders! Wij hopen ons te onderscheiden door onze jarenlange ervaring. Ook vinden wij een hoog service gehalte erg belangrijk. Wij staan achter onze werkzaamheden aan uw Citroën. Wij zullen nimmer grenzen opzoeken zodat de levensduur van uw Citroën niet in gevaar komt. Een veilige Chip-Tuning is een “MUST” voor iedere Citroën rijder. Daarbij geven wij op al onze werkzaamheden een 100% tevredenheidgarantie! Dat kan alleen als je achter je eigen product staat.

Vtune Chip-Tuning neemt uw Citroën Diesel veilig onderhanden!

Chip-tuning Citroën

Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo (17)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.5 BlueHDI > 2021 100pk
100 ** 250 ** Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.5 BlueHDI > 2021 130pk
130 ** 300 ** Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.5 BlueHDI 100pk
100 140 250 340 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.5 BlueHDI 130pk
130 160 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.5 BlueHDI 75pk
75 115 230 300 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.6 Blue HDI 100pk
100 130 254 320 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.6 Blue HDI 120pk
120 150 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.6 Blue HDI 75pk
75 95 230 270 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.6 e-HDI 115pk
115 140 240 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.6 e-HDI 90pk
90 115 215 265 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.6 HDI 110pk
110 140 240 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.6 HDI 112pk
112 140 270 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.6 HDI 75pk
75 115 170 260 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.6 HDI 90pk
90 115 210 260 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
1.6 HDI 92pk
92 115 230 260 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
2.0 HDI 110pk
110 136 250 290 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo:
2.0 HDI 90pk
90 115 205 250 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën Berlingo

Chip-tuning Citroën C-Crosser (1)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C-Crosser:
2.2 HDIF 156pk
156 185 380 430 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C-Crosser

Chip-tuning Citroën C1 (1)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C1:
1.4 HDI 55pk
55 80 130 170 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C1

Chip-tuning Citroën C2 (2)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C2:
1.4 HDI 68pk
68 90 150 210 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C2:
1.6 HDI 110 PK
110 136 240 320 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C2

Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 > (6)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 >:
1.5 BlueHDI > 120pk
120 ** 300 ** Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 >:
1.5 BlueHDI > 2021 100pk
100 ** 250 ** Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 >:
1.5 BlueHDI 100pk
100 140 250 340 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 >:
1.6 BlueHDI 100pk
100 130 254 320 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 >:
1.6 BlueHDI 120pk
120 145 254 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 >:
1.6 BlueHDI 75pk
75 120 230 280 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 >

Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 < (9)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 <:
1.4 HDI 70pk
70 90 160 210 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 <:
1.4 HDI 90pk
90 115 200 260 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 <:
1.6 BlueHDI 100pk
100 130 254 320 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 <:
1.6 BlueHDI 120pk
120 145 285 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 <:
1.6 BlueHDI 75pk
75 95 230 270 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 <:
1.6 e-HDI 115pk
115 140 270 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 <:
1.6 HDI 110pk
110 136 240 300 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 <:
1.6 HDI 90pk
90 115 210 260 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 <:
1.6 HDI 92pk
92 115 230 260 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C3 2016 <

Chip-tuning Citroën C3 Picasso (6)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 Picasso:
1.5 BlueHDI > 2021 100pk
100 ** 250 ** Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 Picasso:
1.5 BlueHDI 100pk
100 140 250 340 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 Picasso:
1.6 Blue HDI 100pk
100 130 254 320 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 Picasso:
1.6 e-HDI 90pk
90 121 230 282 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 Picasso:
1.6 HDI 110pk
110 137 240 290 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C3 Picasso:
1.6 HDI 90pk
90 120 210 270 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C3 Picasso

Chip-tuning Citroën C4 (16)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
1.5 BlueHDI > 2021 110pk
110 ** 250 ** Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
1.5 BlueHDI > 2021 130pk
130 ** 300 ** Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
1.5 BlueHDI 110pk
110 140 250 340 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
1.5 BlueHDI 130pk
130 160 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
1.6 Blue HDI 100pk
100 130 254 320 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
1.6 Blue HDI 120pk
120 150 254 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
1.6 e-HDI 115
112 140 270 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
1.6 e-HDI 90
92 114 230 278 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
1.6 HDI 110pk
110 140 240 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
1.6 HDI 90pk
90 115 210 260 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
1.6 HDI 92pk
92 115 230 260 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
2.0 Blue HDI 150pk
150 200 370 450 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
2.0 e-HDI 150pk
150 188 340 420 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
2.0 HDI 136pk
136 170 320 380 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
2.0 HDI 150pk
150 190 340 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4:
2.0 HDI 163pk
163 190 340 400 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C4

Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Aircross (2)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Aircross:
1.6 e-HDI 115pk
115 140 270 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Aircross:
1.8 e-HDI 150pk
150 175 300 360 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Aircross

Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Cactus (4)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Cactus:
1.5 BlueHDI > 2021 100pk
100 ** 250 ** Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Cactus:
1.5 BlueHDI 100pk
100 140 250 340 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Cactus:
1.6 Blue HDI 100pk
100 130 254 320 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Cactus:
1.6 e-HDI 90pk
92 115 230 260 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Cactus

Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso (13)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso:
1.5 BlueHDI 130pk
130 160 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso:
1.6 BlueHDI 100pk
100 130 254 320 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso:
1.6 BlueHDI 120pk
120 145 254 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso:
1.6 e-HDI 115
115 140 270 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso:
1.6 e-HDI 92pk
92 115 230 260 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso:
1.6 HDI 110pk
110 140 240 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso:
1.6 HDI 90pk
90 115 215 260 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso:
2.0 BlueHDI 150pk
150 188 340 420 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso:
2.0 BlueHDI EAT8 160pk
160 205 400 460 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso:
2.0 HDI 110pk
110 135 250 295 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso:
2.0 HDI 138pk
138 164 320 380 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso:
2.0 HDI 163pk
163 190 340 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso:
2.0 HDI 90pk
90 120 205 275 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Grand Picasso

Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso (15)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
1.5 BlueHDI 130pk
130 160 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
1.6 Blue HDI 100pk
100 130 254 320 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
1.6 Blue HDI 120pk
120 150 254 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
1.6 e-HDI 115
115 140 270 320 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
1.6 e-HDI 90
92 114 230 278 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
1.6 HDI 110pk
110 137 240 290 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
1.6 HDI 112pk
112 140 270 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
1.6 HDI 90pk
90 115 215 260 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
1.6 HDI 92pk
92 115 230 260 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
2.0 Blue HDI 150pk
150 200 340 450 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
2.0 BlueHDI EAT8 160pk
160 205 400 460 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
2.0 HDI 110pk
110 135 250 295 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
2.0 HDI 138pk
138 165 320 410 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
2.0 HDI 163pk
163 190 340 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso:
2.0 HDI 90pk
90 120 205 275 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C4 Picasso

Chip-tuning Citroën C5 > 2018 (3)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 > 2018:
1.5 BlueHDI > 2021 130pk
130 160 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 > 2018:
1.5 BlueHDI 130pk
130 160 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 > 2018:
2.0 BlueHDI 180pk
180 205 400 460 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C5 > 2018

Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018 (16)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
1.6 e-HDI 115pk
115 140 240 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
1.6 HDI 110pk
110 140 240 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
2.0 BlueHDI 150pk
150 200 370 450 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
2.0 BlueHDI EAT6 180pk
180 200 400 450 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
2.0 HDI 110pk
110 140 250 320 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
2.0 HDI 138pk
138 170 320 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
2.0 HDI 163pk
163 190 340 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
2.0 HDI 90pk
90 120 205 275 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
2.0 HDI FAP 136pk
136 163 320 380 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
2.2 HDI 136pk
136 170 314 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
2.2 HDI 163pk
163 196 370 440 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
2.2 HDI 173pk
173 204 370 440 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
2.2 HDI 204pk
204 235 450 520 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
2.7 HDiF 207pk
207 240 440 520 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
3.0 HDiF 207 pk
27 290 450 500 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018:
3.0 HDiF 243 pk
243 290 450 500 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C5 < 2018

Chip-tuning Citroën C6 (4)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C6:
2.2 HDiF 173pk
173 203 370 460 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C6:
2.7 HDiF V6 207pk
207 260 440 500 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C6:
3.0 HDI 207pk
207 270 450 530 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C6:
3.0 HDiF 240 pk
240 290 440 500 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C6

Chip-tuning Citroën C8 (7)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën C8:
2.0 HDI 110pk
110 142 270 340 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C8:
2.0 HDI 120pk
120 165 280 380 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C8:
2.0 HDI 138pk
138 163 320 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C8:
2.0 HDI 163pk
163 190 340 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C8:
2.2 HDI 130pk
130 162 314 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C8:
2.2 HDI 138pk
138 164 314 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën C8:
2.2 HDI 163pk
163 195 370 410 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën C8

Chip-tuning Citroën DS3 (8)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën DS3:
1.4 HDI 68pk
68 90 160 210 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS3:
1.6 BlueHDI 100pk
100 130 254 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS3:
1.6 BlueHDI 120pk
120 145 285 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS3:
1.6 e-HDI 115pk
115 140 270 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS3:
1.6 e-HDI 92pk
92 114 230 278 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS3:
1.6 HDI 110pk
110 140 270 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS3:
1.6 HDI 90pk
90 115 230 275 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS3:
1.6 HDI 92pk
92 115 230 260 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën DS3

Chip-tuning Citroën DS3 Crossback (1)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën DS3 Crossback:
1.5 BlueHDI 130pk
130 160 300 350 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën DS3 Crossback

Chip-tuning Citroën DS4 (11)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën DS4:
1.5 BlueHDI 130pk
130 160 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS4:
1.6 BlueHDI 100pk
100 130 254 320 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS4:
1.6 BlueHDI 115pk
115 145 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS4:
1.6 BlueHDI 120pk
120 145 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS4:
1.6 e-HDI 115pk
115 140 270 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS4:
1.6 HDI 110pk
110 140 270 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS4:
2.0 BlueHDI 150pk
150 200 370 450 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS4:
2.0 BlueHDI 180pk
180 200 400 450 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS4:
2.0 BlueHDI EAT6 180pk
180 200 400 450 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS4:
2.0 HDI 136pk
136 185 320 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS4:
2.0 HDI 160pk
160 190 340 400 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën DS4

Chip-tuning Citroën DS5 (11)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën DS5:
1.6 BlueHDI 120pk
120 150 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS5:
1.6 e-HDI 110pk
110 140 270 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS5:
1.6 e-HDI 112pk
112 140 270 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS5:
1.6 e-HDI 115pk
115 140 270 330 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS5:
2.0 BlueHDI 150pk
150 200 370 450 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS5:
2.0 BlueHDI 180pk EAT6
180 200 400 450 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS5:
2.0 HDI 138pk
138 185 320 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS5:
2.0 HDI 163pk
163 190 340 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS5:
2.0 HDI 163pk Hybride
163 197 300 360 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS5:
2.0 HDI 167pk
167 185 340 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS5:
2.0 HDI Hyri4 200pk
200 230 450 500 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën DS5

Chip-tuning Citroën DS7 Crossback (2)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën DS7 Crossback:
1.5 BlueHDI 130pk
130 165 300 360 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS7 Crossback:
2.0 BlueHDI 180pk
180 200 400 450 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën DS7 Crossback

Chip-tuning Citroën DS9 (2)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën DS9:
1.5 BlueHDI 130pk
130 160 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën DS9:
2.0 BlueHDI EAT8 180pk
180 205 400 460 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën DS9

Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper > 2014 (10)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper > 2014:
2.0 BlueHDI 110pk
110 200 304 450 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper > 2014:
2.0 BlueHDI 130pk
130 200 340 450 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper > 2014:
2.0 BlueHDI 160pk
160 200 350 450 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper > 2014:
2.2 BlueHDI 120pk
120 185 310 430 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper > 2014:
2.2 BlueHDI 140pk
140 185 340 430 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper > 2014:
2.2 BlueHDI 165pk
165 185 370 430 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper > 2014:
2.2 HDI 110pk
110 180 250 360 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper > 2014:
2.2 HDI 130pk
130 180 320 420 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper > 2014:
2.2 HDI 150pk
150 180 350 420 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper > 2014:
3.0 HDI 180pk
180 215 400 500 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper > 2014

Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper < 2014 (12)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper < 2014:
2.0 HDI 110pk
110 135 250 295 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper < 2014:
2.0 HDI 84pk
84 109 192 245 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper < 2014:
2.0 HDI 90pk
90 120 205 275 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper < 2014:
2.2 HDI 100pk
100 125 250 293 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper < 2014:
2.2 HDI 101pk
101 125 240 293 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper < 2014:
2.2 HDI 110pk
110 150 250 380 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper < 2014:
2.2 HDI 120pk
120 150 320 380 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper < 2014:
2.2 HDI 130pk
130 150 320 380 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper < 2014:
2.2 HDI 150pk
150 180 350 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper < 2014:
2.8 HDI 128pk
128 160 300 380 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper < 2014:
3.0 HDI 157pk
157 190 400 470 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper < 2014:
3.0 HDI 180pk
180 215 400 500 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën Jumper < 2014

Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy > 2019 (8)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy > 2019:
1.5 BlueHDI > 2021 120pk
120 ** 300 ** Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy > 2019:
1.5 BlueHDI 100pk
100 160 270 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy > 2019:
1.5 BlueHDI 120pk
120 160 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy > 2019:
2.0 BlueHDI > 2021 145pk
145 180 370 420 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy > 2019:
2.0 BlueHDI > 2021 180pk
180 200 400 460 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy > 2019:
2.0 BlueHDI 120pk
120 160 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy > 2019:
2.0 BlueHDI 150pk
150 205 370 460 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy > 2019:
2.0 BlueHDI 180pk
180 205 400 460 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy > 2019

Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019 (13)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019:
1.6 BlueHDI 115pk
115 145 300 350 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019:
1.6 BlueHDI 95pk
95 130 210 320 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019:
1.6 HDI 90pk
90 115 215 260 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019:
2.0 BlueHDI 120pk
120 185 310 420 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019:
2.0 BlueHDI 150pk
150 200 370 450 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019:
2.0 BlueHDI 180pk
180 200 400 450 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019:
2.0 HDI 110pk
110 140 250 310 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019:
2.0 HDI 120pk
120 143 300 387 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019:
2.0 HDI 128pk 2011 >
128 190 300 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019:
2.0 HDI 128pk 2011 <
128 160 300 360 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019:
2.0 HDI 136pk
136 167 320 397 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019:
2.0 HDI 160pk
160 190 340 400 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019:
2.0 HDI 90pk
90 115 205 233 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën Jumpy < 2019

Chip-tuning Citroën Nemo (4)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën Nemo:
1.3 HDI 75pk
75 99 190 223 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Nemo:
1.3 HDI 80pk
80 100 200 250 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Nemo:
1.4 HDI 68pk
68 80 160 184 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Nemo:
1.4 HDI 70pk
70 92 160 192 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën Nemo

Chip-tuning Citroën Xantia (3)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën Xantia:
2.0 HDI 110pk
110 135 250 295 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Xantia:
2.0 HDI 90pk
90 120 205 275 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Xantia:
2.1 TD 109 pk
109 139 240 300 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën Xantia

Chip-tuning Citroën Xsara (3)Types

Standard Power (BHP) Upgraded Power (BHP) Standard Torque (NM) Upgraded Torque (NM)
Chip-tuning Citroën Xsara:
1.4 HDI 68pk
68 86 150 192 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Xsara:
2.0 HDI 110pk
110 135 250 295 Offerte
Chip-tuning Citroën Xsara:
2.0 HDI 90pk
90 113 205 255 Offerte
Meer over Chip-tuning Citroën Xsara
Rijervaringen Citroën

Chiptuning Citroen C4 1.4i 16V 2006

Chiptuning Citroen C4 1.4i 16V 2006

Gisteren mijn C4 1.4 16V laten chippen. Ondanks de aangegeven "inloopperiode" constateerde ik al na 100 KM een verbeterde trekkracht. Goede uitleg gekregen tijdens het inbouwen. Binnen een uurtje was alles k...

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Chiptuning Citroen DS5 Hybride

Chiptuning Citroen DS5 Hybride

Naar aanleiding van mijn collega mijn Citroen DS5 Hybride laten chippen, dacht eerst dat Tuning Hybride niet mogelijk was! Maar dat woord kennen ze bij VTune niet! Ze hadden daar een perfecte oplossing voor...

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Chiptuning Citroen Berlingo 1.6HDI 75pk

Chiptuning Citroen Berlingo 1.6HDI 75pk

Mijn resultaat is inderdaad verbluffend! Zeker ol hellingen gaat mijn Berlingo zonder problemen naar boven. Dat was eerst een groot probleem. Soms terug naar de 3e versnelling. En maar hoog in de toeren rijd...

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Chiptuning Citroen C1 1.0i

Chiptuning Citroen C1 1.0i

Chiptuning Citroen C1 1.0i. Vandaag mijn C1 getuned met de superbox. Echt een wereld van verschil, reageert veel sneller. Mooie kleine tuningsbox, simpel weg te werken. Jullie personeel neemt er ook echt...

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Chiptuning Citroen C5 Break 2.0i

Chiptuning Citroen C5 Break 2.0i

Chiptuning Citroen C5 Break 2.0i 16V 2004 Vraag / Opmerking:Net als iedereen mezelf afgevraagd zal ik het doen. De informatie die ik van jullie kreeg was simpel en duidelijk. Uieindelijk gaf mijn auto fl...

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Chiptuning Citroën C6 2.2 HDI 173pk

Chiptuning Citroën C6 2.2 HDI 173pk

Beste Heren bedankt voor het onderhanden nemen van mijn grote reismobiel, nu rij ik met een gerust hard over de Franse Route du Soleil naar huis. Ik laat jullie de brandstof besparing nog weten via de email,...

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